Monday, June 28, 2010

An Extravagant Woodchuck Tale!

 Posted earlier on Der Blog is the story of how whiner-award-winner Paul "Woodchuck" Green acquired his name after Da Two's Day One fishing by "coercing" RCR to buy him a prized, original Cynthie Fisher wood duck painting--shown above in the interests of fairness to His Chuckiness.
Well, after a night of reflection and morning-side sobriety, it seems that Woodchuck took exception to his Extravaganza-given name, deeming "Woodduck" far more appropriate and befitting.  In the interests of fairness ("fairness in fishing" being a mantra of the Extravaganza), the matter was designated (at Woodchuck's plaintiff request) to be put to Da Twos for consideration, deliberation, and resolution on, appropriately, Day Tattoo. 
So there they were...all of Da Twos in anxious anticipation of their Day Two boat reports when this small matter of business had to be attended to.  To make matters worse, also present to witness this effrontery with embarrassed looks were the evening's guests--the ED and DD of the Five Valleys Land Trust, Montana Trapper (back for a second go around by popular request) and, yes, the wonderful Montana Matters performer, the one and only Bob Wire.
RCR allowed the protestant the right to proceed with his Change Of Name Petition first but (foolishly) the Woodchuck ducked and demurred, whereupon RCR called and swore in his first and only witness, guest Bob Wire, who (without prodding or prompting of any kind whatsoever [well, almost none, that is]), as shown above, proceeded to belt out the signature hit off his cd "Buffaload" with the words to "You're On My Shit List".  Mid-song, and as advance warning of the temperament of the crowd, Da Twos, seeing the wisdom of it all and the futility of the Chuck's ducked request, joined in verse with the Wireman in admonishing encatation, "Woodchuck you're on our shitlist"...immediately whereafter Woodchuck (shown above) through up his arms helplessly in the air and conceded the (humbling) event--unilaterally withdrawing his challenge with nary a further chuck, duck or would-be Woodduck.
Ah, the Tattooing infamy of it all....
As so faithfully reported,
Yours truly,

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